lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2013

Writting task

dear brian
at the beginning of this school year, a new boy arrived at school, i saw him first time in the break, and he was very arrogant, he treat all of us like stupids.

he believed that his father was a great businessman and had a big house, as he was saying, and believe could be better than the rest, but a child without values ​​and that said everything he had.
at first seemed to have many facilities to make friends but these were nothing more than by interest in the things he had.
with the passage of time, when I looked into the indifferent, but I found out that he liked the cars, like me, then one day, I asked him what his father denia car and talked a long time about cars. this made me have a different image on it, initially talked only in school but after a while we began to meet outside of the school, and gradually it integrated to my group of friends, and come to the point that we all go out to parties on weekends and we do many things like walking out to ride a jet ski and had enough other things.

To finish I can say that you need to meet and know about someone, before you take an image or idea about him.
Bye, hope see you soon.

viernes, 30 de agosto de 2013

-The arguments of Mr Potterton is that ties, acrylic jerseys and Teflon-coated blazers are uncomfortable and not very warm in winter. Uniformsare expensive and don't last.

-They also stifle individuality.

-Schools spend a lot of time and energy on getting learners to wear their uniforms properly.

Untucked shirts, loosened ties, missing belts, unbottoned blazers and other infringments keep teachers very busy enforcing a uniform dress code.

-This can affect teaching and learning time.
Arguments in favor of school uniform in the first text:

1) School uniforms are a perfect way to identity students within the school compound. This increases the safety of students since any intruder would stand out. Uniforms also reduce the occurrences of theft of clothing items.

2)  School uniforms are a perfect way to promote equality amongst the students.

3) School uniforms make all students dress the same and removes this bias. This then creates an opportunity for the students to form friendships that overlook their backgrounds.

4) This is an advantage to parents who may not have access to money to buy new clothes for their children every new season or term.

5)  School uniforms also provide an atmosphere where the students are not distracted from their.

viernes, 23 de agosto de 2013


1) Are there any general dress codes in workplaces where you live? Do you think dress codes are effective?
Yes, for example my school use a uniform that is obligation for all the students, also in other works like constructions is obligation to use helmets and things like that, i think that is effective because is better for the school that al his students looks tidy, also in a constructions is the safety of the men.

In wich other walks of life are dress codes important
I think in all places the dress codes are important, i cant go to a decent party with bad dress because is not for the moment, also i can go to the country side with a very good dress, because in that places they are people that have different clothes, and have a good dress when you go there is not appropiate for the moment...Also in diferent countries are differents clothes, like africa, europe, they are different cultures and differents dress codes.Also the dress codes changes with the weather of the place, in the north pole is totaly different that in Ecuador.

3)What are the dress codes of young people in your countries?
The dress codes in the part of the world that i live depends of your economic situation, if you see a young man that have a'' lower class''and a young man that have a ''high class'' you differ immediately because of his form of pants, t-shirts, and things like that.

4) What do dress codes tell us about a culture?
i think dress codes tell us about a culture of his religion, his form of life, his types of work because for example a man work has totally different clothe than a farmer, or a catolic girl have totally diferent clothe than a musulman woman that have masked al the face, things like that is the most important differences of dress codes in cultures.

5) What prohibitions are there on certain dress codes in your country? Why do these prohibitions exist?
they are puntual things like go with a specific dress to the church or to a funeral, you have to go with appropiate cloth for the moment and also to not be different of all the others persons that are there, more than anything is for respect.

viernes, 9 de agosto de 2013

Writing: Letter of complaint

Write a short letter of a complaint to the tour operator (Mr. Smith) about the things you wish could have been better in your trip to Europe.

Think of Hotels, restaurants, food, people, timing, types of activities, places visited

You have to include the following connectives:
Because, furthermore, when, in particular, however, as a result, if.

Write between 300 and 350 words

Follow the example (structure, format ) on page 190

Tattooing: A Tradition

Tattooing: A Tradition
Tattooing: A Tradition

2) Copy And Complete
Target culture/gropus:
-Maori culture.
- Wodaabe women.

Tattoo Design:
-Anchors of miners lamps.

- For protection.
-Keep them young.
- To ward of evil spirits.

3) Answer the following questions
a) Tattos are a mark of machismo furthermore are symbolic.

b) That in north America, the cultural status of tattooing has steadily evolved out. The past thirty years, from a rebellious , antisocial activity in the 1960s to a mainstream means of asserting one's identity in the 1990s.

c) tattoos mark people as a part of specific social. Each tattoo designed is unique to the individual as it conveys specific information about the person.

d) Potential

e) native americans tattoos, but most tattoos were a symbol of a warrior. Its was algo common for a tribe to give tattoos to those who had proficiency in using the symbol that was tattooed upon their body.

f) In spite of tattooing is simply a trendy fashion statement for many, others choose tattooing as a way of honoring their cultural, ethnic or religious heritage. Tattoos often represent both fashion and cultural significance, as in the increasing popularity of Americanized geometric tribal tattoos.

g) One of the reasons is to a simbolyc image, the second reason is for Maori culture to show his social status, the thirth reason, Maori culture women tattooes around the mouth and chin to prevents the skin to becoming wrinkled and keep them younh, and finaly in Africa culture, tattooes to ward of evil spirit.

4) Choose the correct answer
a) Intricate C
b)Wandering B
c) Prevent A

5) Copy and complete
a) ''Their'' refers to minners forearms.
b) ''This time'' refers to 18th century
c) ''Them'' Men.
d) ''Them''Maoris .
e) ''Their'' The skin of each one that have tattoo in his body.
f) ''They'' refers to highly skilled tattooist of Samoa.

viernes, 12 de abril de 2013

ferrari ad

In google I found same ferrari ads and I choose this one; here the product showed was a car manufactered by ferrari, the "575 maranello".
I think that this ad was directed to a special public or audience, first of all, people that would see this was "cars lover"and  male, from 20 years old to 60-70 maybe, a probable audience for this ad would be high class people of good educational background that wants to represent the money that they have$$; demographic location of this ad is not relevant because of the simple reason that you can found rich people everywhere.
The purpose of this ad is ti give value to the brand, because of the comparison with the sculpture, and appeals to logos persuasive technique because this car is more than a simple car, is a "Historic car", I think that the ad designer choose these techniques because he wants to put the brand in a superior and historic automotive category.
I think that the ad is not much persuasive  because its not trying to do to the audience to buy the car, its trying to puts his brand on a higher segment.
the fonts used in this ad was a little small at the beaginning and much bigger at the end prhase, red and black are used in this ad because of the company colours. 
in this ad, the car and the sculpture was the only two things represented in this ad. this ad is very precise in terms of amount of text, only 3 prhases.
lifestyles and values here in the ad was luxury and pleasure lifestyles. wee need to have the car (product) because we need to have a "historic piece of car"
and finally the key concept was " the car and sculpture, Venus, helenic art.