viernes, 23 de agosto de 2013


1) Are there any general dress codes in workplaces where you live? Do you think dress codes are effective?
Yes, for example my school use a uniform that is obligation for all the students, also in other works like constructions is obligation to use helmets and things like that, i think that is effective because is better for the school that al his students looks tidy, also in a constructions is the safety of the men.

In wich other walks of life are dress codes important
I think in all places the dress codes are important, i cant go to a decent party with bad dress because is not for the moment, also i can go to the country side with a very good dress, because in that places they are people that have different clothes, and have a good dress when you go there is not appropiate for the moment...Also in diferent countries are differents clothes, like africa, europe, they are different cultures and differents dress codes.Also the dress codes changes with the weather of the place, in the north pole is totaly different that in Ecuador.

3)What are the dress codes of young people in your countries?
The dress codes in the part of the world that i live depends of your economic situation, if you see a young man that have a'' lower class''and a young man that have a ''high class'' you differ immediately because of his form of pants, t-shirts, and things like that.

4) What do dress codes tell us about a culture?
i think dress codes tell us about a culture of his religion, his form of life, his types of work because for example a man work has totally different clothe than a farmer, or a catolic girl have totally diferent clothe than a musulman woman that have masked al the face, things like that is the most important differences of dress codes in cultures.

5) What prohibitions are there on certain dress codes in your country? Why do these prohibitions exist?
they are puntual things like go with a specific dress to the church or to a funeral, you have to go with appropiate cloth for the moment and also to not be different of all the others persons that are there, more than anything is for respect.

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