lunes, 30 de julio de 2012

What is a news report?
 A news report is the comunication of a selected information. Their purpose is inform readers of what is happening in the world arround them. You can found news report in Internet, TV Programs, Radio, newspapper, etc...

·                     What are the main features of a news report?
1.             Headline: Catches your attention. Sums up the story.
2.             Byline: Is the writer's name. Writer's Specialty.
3.             Placeline: Where the story begins.
4.             Lead: The openning section. Gives most important information. Should answer most of the 5W's
5.            Body: Supplies detail. Most important details come first. Simple true statments.
6.            Quotation: What someone actually said. Adds accuracy. Adds "atthe scene" feeling.
·                     What are the features of news report's Headlines?
  A headline should not have verbs, articles, possesive adjectives and parts of speech. Must be a short sentence. Also in headlines you need to put some Verb forms, Present simples, Past participles, Infinitivies, etc...

·                     Take 3 examples of today's news headlines from
1.            Deadly Iraq attacks kill scores
2.            Wiggins turns focus to Olympics 
3.            Wiggins turns focus to Olympics

News report

                                                    "Dark gunman breakes into theater"

Jose tomas romero, news reporter
friday 27 july 2012

Aurora, Colorado - A crazy gunman of 21 years old breakes into a "century" theater, this horrific scene starts when this gun man threw a smoke bomb when in the movie where also shooting, so this produce a confiussion in the audience.

In the "Batman" premier, a crazy gun man enter in the theater in the same moment that in the movie where shooting, this man threw a smoke bomb, so the people in the theater think that this was a special efect in the movie, but when people where being shoot they start runing out of the theater.
We talk with "Chandler Branon" and he said "I was in shock" this man of 25 years old was with his girlfriend.
This situacion has as consecuense 14 dead people and 50 injured.

A woman that was in the theater said 

 "it´s hard to breathe" because she was affected by the gas bomb that the men threw.
Fortunately the gunman was arrested by the police when he leaves the theater                                                

                 "The theater after the horrific scene"

martes, 3 de julio de 2012

Writing a Comparison

1.The preparation of the first day of class Laurie Lee was difficult, because he did not want to go to class, but his sister forced him and told him, "Boys who dont go to school get put Into boxes, andturn Into rabbits, and get chopped up on Sundays. "this conventional Laurie reluctantly going to class because they did not want to go to school.
Unlike Laurie, preparing for your first day of class of Austin Clarke, was motivating becauseinsentivating and encouraging his mother to be a man with a purpose to be a doctor in the villagewho needed it, which he was very prepared tasteful unlike that Laurie did not want to go to schoolwith poor taste.

2.Education in which Laurie face was hard, because by coming to school, was treated poorly by hisclassmates, whether taking away the collation, scarf, and by hitting, but the teacher helped him,but the image took their first day of school was very bad
However, the education you received Austin was good, because in the village, but the study isconcerned, which in Austin liked a lot, because the school could establish a good relationship withtheir peers without any problem because all were scholars because they all had a goal in the future,took the impression that Austin was a nice school, which would fulfill the dream of his family andhis

I agree with the first day of school in Austin, as it is in this wayas it prepares for the first day of class, encouraging the child with a goal, giving full support to go ahead and be a man.

The text that
 I liked most was that of Austin Clarke, because it was a good way to take the first step to becoming a man, with a goal, with enormous support, all supporting him in order to be a man and becomes a doctor.....

First impression

My first day at school
March 2000
dear diary, as you know today was my first day at school and my first day in a educational institution because I didn´t go to play group, my mom doesnt wants to leave me yet, thats why I didnt go to play group, I entered today to pre kinder with miss Paulina Iriarte, my first day at school was very un happy because I doesnt I doesnt want to leave my mom, when I was forced to leave it, I cry a lot because f my sadness, but after that I beware well, some of my classmates are very friendly but others definitely not.
My mom comes for my at at 12:00am, and them my mom takes me to Mc donalds because of my first school day.

My first party
June 2007
Dear diary, I went to my first party yesterday night, this party was in the school, in the gym, this party was created to earn money to first medios school trip, this party was very important because was sponsored by Movistar, Head and other importants companies.
because of my non experience in partys I didnt dance but I be very funny because all my best friends where there and obiously were a lot of beautifull girls :) that gives more entertaintment to the party in the good sens. The party finish at 4 am but my mom comes for me at 2 am. a good experience.

My first motorcycle
January 2000
My father has two motorcycles and my brother one, in this summer I was in rapel, because my summer home was there.
The firs time that I ride a motorcycle was a day that I saw my brother riding and I asks him  if he cans teachs me how to ride motorcyle, he says yes but very carefully, the motorcycle was big for me.
I tryed a lot of times and one I start ride alone (with out my brother near to me).
One day my father saw me riding the motorcycle of my brother and he doesnt says nothing in the moment but the next week my father brings me a pw-50 that  is for my size, I ride motorcycle all the days of that summer.
 This is the PW-50 (my first motorcycle)